
Pixelstick patterns
Pixelstick patterns

Playing with Light Sticks and Pixel Sticks in SouthamptonĪbove is a wavy pattern created with the light stick under a bridge in Southamton, you can see the city lights coming into the picture on the left. We also had the opportunity to experiment with a homemade light strip, it was around £20 to make, significantly cheaper than the pixel stick and I think created just as interesting results, although the light produced was much brighter. This is all done in a long exposure with someone moving the pixel stick … an interesting effect but it is just does not look real enough to me … I really enjoyed being able to experience using it first hand, but I really dont think it is something that would benefit my photography. The Guildhall on fire with the Pixel StickĪ different location… it was my idea to take the fire up the steps, pause and then down the other side. I can see it could be effective in some locations … but already I think it is limited – you need someone to hold it and move it around, someone else to take the photo – maybe for creative images … but eventually I think they would all look the same. Pixel Stick and fire on the car park roofĪ different location … an interesting building in the background, myself standing pretending to run, but staying still and a pixel stick wall of fire. My first thought was that it looked amazing… but the stick is made up of 200 LED pixels that flash with colour, in my preview window it looked great – but on screen it is really pixelated which means it would be even more so in print. The owner of the stick was experimenting with star trek style images, which really weren’t me – but you could program it to create any image. You can see a slight wave in the momement of the pixel stick and you have to make sure you walk at a consistent speed. To the right is a picture projected on a wall under the bridge – the person is real on the left. Pixel Sticks A sample picture demonstration.

pixelstick patterns

They are really expensive… but when the opportunity arose to see one in action and to take some photos I had to pop along to find out more….

pixelstick patterns pixelstick patterns

Have you see the videos online demonstrating a pixel stick… do you know what one is? It is a light stick designed for light painting which can be used to project images infront of the camera which are not visible to the naked eye.

Pixelstick patterns